
Berg as it’s name suggests is made from melted icebergs. It's made by melting iceberg pieces that have broken off from 15,000-year-old glaciers, resulting in truly virginal water with a TDS of 10 mg/l, one of the lowest available. Berg water is sourced directly from the icebergs themselves. Most glacier waters are sourced from the pools of melted water at the bottom of the glacier, where the water comes into contact with land where the ground influences the flavor before being bottled.

The icebergs used for Berg water are harvested by hand off the shores of Newfoundland, Canada before they melt into the ocean. They are melted and bottled under strict quality conditions in order to preserve the water's natural qualities. The production of this water is extremely limited due to the harsh winters and dangerous nature of harvesting.

This water is very clean almost airy tasting and could be paired with a delicate white wine or used to contrast a pungent blue cheese.

Water Quality Data
Minerality TDS (mg/l)
TDS 10
Nitrate 0
Calcium .2
Magnesium .3
Sodium 1
Potassium 0
Silica 0
Bicarbonate 0
Sulfate 0
Chloride 0

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You can currently purchase this water through:

@ Amazon & Aqua Maestro



