Vichy Catalan

The most popular water from Spain, Vichy Catalan has a unique story and flavor. It’s known that this area of of Spain has had a human population since prehistoric times. The many local sources of effervescent, thermal water were likely a major attraction. It was first bottled in 1889 and became a popular spa destination soon after.

Vichy Catalan water is saturated with 27 of the 34 minerals that the human body needs for good health. It is thought to help lower cholesterol. Vichy water also is unique to have natural carbonation. The gas is harvested from the source separately from the water and then added back in once the water is cooled

With almost 1g of sodium per liter the water tastes fairly salty and can be a good after workout drink.

This water pairs well with a nice steak or get a nice sweet salty contrast with a dark chocolate mousse.

Water Quality Data
Minerality TDS (mg/l)
TDS 2,900
Nitrate 1
Calcium 14
Magnesium 6
Sodium 1,097
Potassium 51
Silica 15
Bicarbonate 2,081
Sulfate 50
Chloride 584

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