
Since 1888, its water, drawn from a depth of 200 meters, dances with natural effervescence, a gift of the region's volcanic legacy. The unique geological conditions of the Volcanic Eifel region, combined with Gerolsteiner's commitment to preserving the natural purity of the water, result in a product that is not only flavorful but also recognized for its potential health benefits. The water's effervescence is a result of the high concentration of carbon dioxide that occurs naturally in the underground spring.

The mineral content of Gerolsteiner water has led to its reputation as a "wellness water." It is often chosen by those seeking a natural and healthy beverage. It contains about 30% of adult daily calcium and magnesium requirements.

You might want to pair this water with a hard cheese or roasted brussel sprouts.

Water Quality Data
Minerality TDS (mg/l)
TDS 2527
Calcium 347
Magnesium 108
Sodium 199
Potassium 10.8
Silica 40
Bicarbonate 1817
Sulfate 30
Chloride 208

Want to try this water? Book a water tasting!

You can currently purchase this water through:

HEB, Whole Foods or Amazon


Best Mineral Waters


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